Prithvinath temple Gonda is located in Khargupur region of Uttar Pradesh. The temple district headquarters town of a small district about 30 kilometers away from the West Khargupur market. It is the best example of temple architecture. Prithvinath are told ‘lingam’ world’s tallest Shiva installed in the temple, which was established by Bhim during the exile of the Pandavas in Dwapara Yuga. Having appeared Prithvinath temple find all devout peace. The philosophy of the temple of Shiva only from all suffering, Kalesh get away. Faith of devotees demonstrates the importance of this place..
Contact Details
Address: Prithvinath temple,Khargupur, Gonda, Uttar Pradesh

How to Reach
By Air
By Air At 54 km from Gonda,Faizabad is the nearest airport. Lucknow is the closest international airport, 132 km from gonda.
By Train
Gonda Railway Junction - 20 km Itiyathok Railway Station.
By Road
Gonda is well connected to the rest of Uttar Pradesh by roadways. Gonda in turn is well connected by bus to cities like Lucknow, Bareilly, Kanpur, Allahabad, Agra and Mathura. Both Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation as well as Private players operates these buses